Sometimes you need advice from someone you can trust.

A Brussels based company specialized in belgian real estate. Contact us

Somebody with an helicopter view.

Who knows the city in its heart.

Premium Due Diligence in Belgian Real Estate


You want to settle, buy or sell real estate in Brussels? We will help you make the best decision.

We will make a due diligence of the building in order to assess its true value, sustainability and expected life path.

We have a small team of talented experts, each one specialized in a field of the due diligence.

We treat your building as if it was our own in order to make sure you don't buy "a pig in a poke".


The Key Features of our Vendor or Buyer Due Diligences.


  • Property value assessment
  • Capital expenditure (CAPEX) prevision
  • Lipstick expenditure (staging)


  • Urbanistic laws and permits assessment
  • Buyers & vendors scrutiny


  • Enveloppe
  • Structure and stability
  • HVAC and electricity
  • Robustness and Decay


  • Soil pollution
  • Asbestos
  • Energy & Carbon
  • Comfort
  • Acoustics
  • Safety


Here is a list of some of our recent work.

  • Brussels

    Due diligence - 6.800 m²

  • Brussels

    Technical studies - 13.700 m²

  • Brussels

    Technical due diligence - 28.000 m²

  • Brussels

    Technical studies - 40.000 m²

  • Brussels

    Due diligence - 30.000m²

  • Brussels

    Due diligence - 5.500 m²

Practical cases

Our Clients
Soil pollution suspected

A client of us wanted to buy a property (80.000 m²) which was suspected to hold some nitrate in the soil. After analysis of all the documents (2 years of legal discussion betweens the parties), environmental permits and soil studies (on the 30 parcels). We were able to confort them about the nature of the soil.
We also investigated the decontamination works in order to make sure that the building wouldn't lose any of its value and confronted the company responsible for the decontamination.
Today, the client sleeps well and is sure to have made a good investment.

Our Clients
Comfort and Energy optimisation

A client wanted to improve the value of its building which consumption was totally abnormal. The refurbishment had started.
After studying the ventilation systems, we were able to reduce it's consumption by 50%. We also reviewed the bill of materials in order to add two sentences that reduced the heat gains and increased the comfort of the people.
With little to no extra cost, we achieved a high quality refurbishment and made sure the maximum value was extracted from the refurbishment.

Our Clients

Our client was ready to close an acquisition deal and we were to visit the building to make sure the transaction was legit. After walking through the parking, we asked the client if we could recheck a wall that looked different from the others.
We suspected some asbestos to be used on this wall and asked for a sample. We were right, the works to decontaminate the wall was way over our mission and the client negociated a strong reduction on the price of the building.

Our experts

Engagement, skills and fun.

Our Clients
  • Legal & Financial
  • Speaks English, French, and Dutch.
Our Clients
  • Technical & Financial
  • Speaks English, French, and Dutch.
Our Clients
  • Technical & Environmental
  • Speaks English, French, and Swedish.
Our Clients
  • Financial & PM
  • Speaks Dutch, French and English.
Our Clients
  • Financial & PM
  • Speaks Dutch and French.


We do prefer phone calls but sometimes it's not possible. Feel free to use this form, we will come back to you very shortly.

Contact Us

GEMSRue des Pères Blancs 4 1040 BrusselsBelgium

Phone: +32 (0)2 740 43 08

ProGroupQuai aux Pierres de Taille 35 1000 BrusselsBelgium

Phone: +32 (0)2 217 52 32